Accounting, Finance, IS and IT students of all class levels are invited! In addition, our faculty is encouraged to attend.
You do not need to be a CPAC member to attend.
OCOB Olympics is the Cal Poly Accounting Club’s networking and annual charity event that provides students and professionals the opportunity to socialize and play interactive games in a casual and fun environment.
The OCOB Olympics is Cal Poly Accounting Club's biggest annual philanthropy event that provides an opportunity for students and professionals to socialize and participate in interactive games in a fun, casual setting.
Since OCOB Olympics will take place during October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, all proceeds from this event will go to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, an organization dedicated to fighting breast cancer through fueling research, patient care, and education programs.
Students regardless of their grade level will gain the opportunity to learn about and become acquainted with professional accounting firms from the Big Four, national, regional, local, industry, and government in a more casual manner. Light refreshments and dinner will be provided.
O’Neill Green Lawn (by the Orfalea College of Business)
Thursday, October 3rd, 2024
6:00 pm -8:00 pm OCOB Olympics
This is a great away to network with professional in a more casual and fun environment. Many of the professional and firm reps at OCOBO will also be at Fall Symposium the following day. Meeting in a more casual setting takes away some of the initial stress, allows you to have a prior shared experience, and enables a deeper connection.
Firms: Firms that are interested in participating please reach out to the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at communityanddiversity@polycpac.com.
Students: This event is free to students, but make sure to register through the Eventbrite.
Students will have free admission, which means the funds raised will be based solely on firm participation and donations. We hope that you will join us on October, 3rd on the lawn for networking, games, and philanthropic fun. If your firm is unable to attend the event, you can still support OCOBO’s 2024 mission by contacting the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at communityanddiversity@polycpac.com .
Attending Firms:
EJ Gallo
Ernst & Young
Frank Rimerman & Co.
Glenn Burdette
Grant Thorton
Moss Adams
What is the dress code?
The event is held outside and we will be active, so a t-shirt, shorts, and running shoes are perfectly acceptable. This is a professional event so please keep that in mind while choosing your outfit.
What if I do not/can not participate in the games but still want to attend?
Everyone is welcome! Still register and feel free to make a comment explaining your situation so we can plan accordingly.
Do I need to bring my resume?
Resumes are not needed for this event as it is a casual networking setting. Have your resumes ready for Fall Symposium the next day!
Meet the Committee:
These events would not be possible without our amazing committees! Committees are a great way to get more involved in CPAC and grow professionally. If you are interested in applying to be on the committee, please keep an eye out for CPAC emails, instagram posts and announcements at the regular CPAC meetings.